Title: Orto KGK 110 Thoracolumbosacral Orthopedic Support (Beige, M1)
The Orto KGK 110 thoracolumbosacral (TLSO) support provides effective correction for complex postural deviations, including scoliosis and kyphoscoliosis (grades I and II). This spinal support is highly effective in managing scoliosis and is frequently recommended by healthcare professionals.
Featuring a reinforced, reclinable, and stabilizing system with adjustable, malleable metal stays, the KGK 110 offers superior support and comfort. Two non-stretchable straps and soft padding prevent pressure on the underarms. A wide, elastic abdominal belt ensures a comfortable, non-restrictive fit, further enhanced by adjustable side compression straps.
Constructed from breathable, hypoallergenic materials, the Orto KGK 110 minimizes discomfort and irritation. Its design gently encourages shoulder retraction, promoting gradual correction of posture and maintaining proper anatomical alignment. The positive effects make it suitable for both treatment and prevention of spinal deformities.
Key Features:
- Promotes shoulder retraction and proper posture development.
- Improves muscle tone and reduces spinal strain.
- Provides support and relief to the thoracolumbar spine.
- Postural deviations in two planes.
- Scoliosis and kyphoscoliosis (grades I and II).
- Moderate pain associated with disc protrusions and herniations, osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis, costovertebral joint arthrosis, intercostal neuralgia, osteoporosis, spondylitis (tuberculous, osteomyelitic), and metastases.
- Intervertebral disc herniation.
- Post-surgical and post-trauma rehabilitation.
- Compression fractures.
thoracolumbosacral support, TLSO brace, scoliosis brace, kyphosis brace, posture corrector, back brace, spinal support, orthopedic brace, Orto KGK 110, back pain relief, spinal deformity, posture correction, scoliosis treatment, kyphosis treatment, post-surgical support, injury rehabilitation, compression fracture support, breathable brace, adjustable brace, comfortable brace, beige brace, size M1.