Title: Ortho Fun Kids’ Orthotic Insoles, Sizes 29-30
Ortho Fun arch support insoles provide superior comfort and correction for children and teens. Featuring a rigid supportive frame with pronounced lateral support extending to the metatarsal heads, these insoles offer significant longitudinal arch support and a deep heel cup. Crafted with durable, wear-resistant materials, they are designed to:
- Support longitudinal arches: Restore the foot’s natural anatomical shape.
- Correct rearfoot valgus deformities: Address valgus deformities of 10-15°.
- Normalize lower limb biomechanics: Reduce impact and treat/prevent musculoskeletal pathologies.
- Unfixed flat feet with significant rearfoot valgus deformity.
- Static foot insufficiency due to connective tissue dysplasia (hypermobility syndrome).
- Comprehensive rehabilitation for spinal curvatures (scoliotic posture, scoliosis, kyphoscoliosis), torsional and axial deformities of the lower limbs in children and adolescents. These insoles are ideal for children and teens needing effective support and correction for foot and lower limb issues.