Title: ORIHIRO Omega-3 455mg – 180 Capsules: Brain Health & Cardiovascular Support
Description: ORIHIRO Omega-3 provides a natural and safe boost to brain function, packed with DHA, EPA, and DPA – essential omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Combat the effects of aging, support cardiovascular and nervous system health, and contribute to overall well-being by potentially reducing the risk of various diseases, including cancer. This supplement combats cognitive decline, depression, and apathy by addressing omega-3 deficiencies. It supports heart health, reduces the risk of stroke and arthritis, and offers potent antioxidant properties. DHA enhances brain function, improves circulation, and protects brain cells from aging. EPA strengthens the immune system and protects cells from damage. Experience the comprehensive benefits of ORIHIRO Omega-3 for improved cellular health, vascular function, and overall vitality. (455mg capsules, 180 count). Not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women or individuals with allergies to any ingredients.