Title: LD-A3 Oral Irrigator: Powerful Cleaning, Convenient Design
The LD-A3 Oral Irrigator offers superior oral hygiene with its innovative Double Aqua Flow (DAF®) system. This unique technology allows you to use either the included reservoir or any convenient container, providing unparalleled flexibility. Powered by USB, charging is simple and convenient from any USB source. Compact storage keeps everything neatly organized within the integrated reservoir. Designed for ease of use, refilling is effortless in any situation. Manufactured to ISO 13485 international standards and compliant with European Directive MDD 93/42/EEC, the LD-A3 also holds Russian Roszdravnadzor registration certificate РЗН 2020/11416 (issued 28.07.2020). Safety features include Class II electrical protection for the charger, Type B working part protection against electric shock, and IPX5 water resistance. Detailed technical information, excluding confidential commercial data, is available upon request.