Title: Omega-3 XS: Triple Pack of 360 Mini Capsules (1200mg EPA & DHA)
Boost your health and well-being with the SOLAB Omega-3 XS Triple Pack! This cost-effective set provides 360 convenient mini-capsules, each delivering a potent dose of Omega-3 fatty acids (720mg EPA and 480mg DHA per 4-capsule serving). Experience enhanced focus, improved heart health, and a radiant complexion. Omega-3s support brain function and memory, promoting better cognitive performance and learning. Strengthen your cardiovascular system and boost your immunity, especially during cold and flu season. Perfect for daily use or long-term supplementation, Omega-3 XS contributes to increased energy levels, improved stamina, and healthier skin, hair, and nails. Each bottle contains 120 easy-to-swallow capsules (30 servings). Simply take 2 capsules twice daily with food. Suitable for men and women. All SOLAB products are certified and officially registered. Order your triple pack today!