Title: Children’s Omega-3 Polyen: Boost Immunity, Vision, & Heart Health (90 Capsules)
Omega-3 fatty acids, essential for child development and brain function, cannot be produced by the body. Supplementing with Omega-3s ensures adequate intake for optimal health. Polyen Children’s Omega-3 is a natural source of these vital polyunsaturated fatty acids in a delicious, chewable capsule. Regular use supports:
- Cognitive Development: Enhance intellectual growth and brain function.
- Eye Health & Vision: Improve vision and maintain healthy eyes.
- Immune System Support: Strengthen the immune system and promote overall well-being.
- Allergy & Atopic Dermatitis Reduction: Help reduce the risk of eczema and allergic reactions.
- Emotional Well-being: Decrease symptoms of hyperactivity, aggression, and irritability. Support a calmer, more focused child.
- Faster Recovery: Aid faster recovery from physical and mental exertion, and illness.
Polyen Children’s Omega-3 offers the perfect balance of Omega-3s in a convenient, palatable chewable capsule, ensuring your child’s health and happiness! 90 capsules per bottle.