Title: Halal Omega-3 Fish Oil with Vitamins D3 & K2 (1250mg, 60 Capsules) – Dr. Henri
Dr. Henri’s Omega-3, Vitamin D3 & K2 supplement provides a powerful combination of essential nutrients for optimal health and well-being. This halal-certified formula, sourced from sustainably harvested tuna in Izmir, Turkey, contains 1250mg of Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) per serving, alongside Vitamins D3 and K2. These fat-soluble vitamins work synergistically to enhance calcium absorption, promoting bone health and reducing the risk of osteoporosis.
Omega-3’s Benefits:
- Supports cardiovascular health by promoting healthy blood vessel elasticity and reducing the risk of blood clots.
- Enhances brain function and cognitive performance by supporting the formation of myelin sheaths around nerve cells.
- Contributes to overall cellular health and function.
Vitamin D3’s Benefits:
- Essential for calcium absorption and bone mineralization.
- Supports immune system function.
- Promotes healthy cardiovascular, nervous, and reproductive systems.
- May improve memory and concentration.
Vitamin K2’s Benefits:
- Works with Vitamin D3 to direct calcium to bones, preventing its deposition in arteries.
- Supports healthy blood clotting.
- Contributes to bone health and reduces osteoporosis risk.
Dr. Henri Quality Assurance:
Manufactured by DR. Henri Phytopharma in Izmir, Turkey – a region renowned for its ecological purity – our supplement undergoes rigorous testing and quality control in our internationally accredited research laboratory. This ensures the highest standards of purity and efficacy. Our halal certification guarantees compliance with Islamic dietary laws.
This advanced formula is suitable for both men and women seeking to support their overall health and address potential deficiencies in Omega-3, Vitamin D3, and Vitamin K2. Each bottle contains 60 capsules, providing a convenient and effective way to boost your well-being. Choose Dr. Henri for superior quality and scientifically formulated supplements you can trust.