Title: Biopharma Norsk Barne Tran Omega-3 Fish Oil for Kids – 375ml Fruit Flavor
Give your children the gift of healthy growth with Biopharma Norsk Barne Tran Omega-3 Fish Oil. This delicious fruit-flavored syrup provides a daily dose of 1000mg of Omega-3 fatty acids, along with Vitamins A, D, and E, in just one spoonful. A single bottle provides a 75-day supply.
Support your child’s brain development and academic success. Omega-3s are crucial for improving memory, concentration, and cognitive function. This premium fish oil also strengthens the nervous system, supports heart health, and promotes healthy vision. Made with the highest quality ingredients essential for growth, brain development, and a strong immune system.
Biopharma Triple Tran is crafted from the liver oil of wild cod caught in the pristine waters of the Norwegian fjords. Our gentle purification process ensures a safe and effective premium dietary supplement. Produced to Nordic standards and approved by the Russian State Registration. Recommended for children aged three and above.
Shake well before use; slight thickening may occur. Store refrigerated for up to 90 days. Dietary Supplement. Not a drug.