Title: Iverylab Omega-3 Fish Oil: 1000mg, 90 Capsules – High Potency EPA & DHA
Iverylab Omega-3 Fish Oil provides a potent 1000mg dose per capsule, delivering 540mg EPA and 360mg DHA – essential fatty acids your body needs but can’t produce on its own. These omega-3s are crucial for maintaining heart health, brain function, and a strong immune system. Our easy-to-swallow capsules offer a convenient and virtually odorless way to reap the benefits of fish oil, without the fishy aftertaste.
Each bottle contains 90 high-quality capsules, manufactured to European standards with a focus on purity and natural ingredients. We’ve carefully selected capsule size for optimal comfort. The recommended dosage is 1-3 capsules daily, ideally taken with meals. A typical course of use is one month, but individual needs may vary.
Key Benefits:
- High Potency: 1000mg per capsule (540mg EPA, 360mg DHA)
- Pure & Natural: GMO-free, no pork products or impurities.
- Easy to Swallow: Small, convenient capsules with minimal odor.
- Supports: Heart health, brain function, immune system, and cholesterol levels.
- 90 Capsules per Bottle: One-month supply.
Important Note:
Not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, or individuals with allergies to any of the ingredients. Consult your doctor before starting any new supplement regimen.
Omega-3, Fish Oil, EPA, DHA, 1000mg, 90 Capsules, Iverylab, Heart Health, Brain Health, Immune System, Cholesterol, Supplement, Dietary Supplement, High Potency, Pure, Natural, GMO-free, Easy to Swallow, European Standards.