Title: Omega-3 1320mg Capsules: Premium Fish Oil for Brain, Heart & Immune Health
Experience the superior quality of our Omega-3 1320mg capsules, crafted from premium wild-caught fish oil. Each serving (4 capsules) delivers 792mg EPA and 528mg DHA, supporting brain function, heart health, and immune system strength. Our rigorously purified fish oil boasts a low TOTOX value of 13.3, ensuring maximum freshness and quality. Manufactured under GMP, ISO 22000, and Halal certifications, our eco-friendly formula includes only fish oil and vitamin E in a softgel capsule. Suitable for adults, children (3+), and pregnant/breastfeeding women. See noticeable improvements in memory, focus, skin health (reduces acne inflammation by 25%), vision, cholesterol levels, and liver function. Our 7-step purification process maintains the integrity of Omega-3s, delivering a neutral-tasting, high-potency supplement. Register number: AM. Proorganic’s Omega-3: Unmatched quality, superior results. Recommended dosage: 4 capsules daily with meals, or 2 capsules twice daily with meals.