Title: OLO Ultra-Thin Condoms with Extra Lubrication (Red, 20 Count, 0.01mm)
Experience unparalleled intimacy with OLO Ultra-Thin Condoms (0.01mm). These latex condoms, featuring a revolutionary design, are engineered for exceptional comfort and natural feeling. The red package contains 20 condoms, each infused with a warming lubricant for heightened sensitivity and intense pleasure. The ultra-thin (0.01mm) design, combined with the added lubrication, virtually eliminates the sensation of wearing a condom, allowing for a more natural and intimate experience.
Key Features:
- Ultra-Thin (0.01mm): For maximum sensation and comfort.
- Warming Lubricant: Enhances sensitivity and intensifies pleasure.
- 20 Condoms per Pack: Provides ample supply.
- Latex Material: Reliable protection against pregnancy and STIs, including HIV.
- Reservoir Tip: Added safety and comfort.
- Nominal Size: Designed for optimal fit and comfort (dimensions will need to be added here, e.g., 180mm length, 52mm diameter).
OLO condoms are your ultimate solution for safe and pleasurable intimacy. The added lubrication reduces friction and enhances the natural sensation, while the ultra-thin design ensures a seamless and virtually imperceptible experience. Experience the difference with OLO.
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