Title: OLO Gold Ultra-Thin Condoms with Extra Lubrication (20 Pack, 0.01mm)
Experience ultimate pleasure with OLO Gold ultra-thin condoms, just 0.01mm thick. These latex condoms are designed for unparalleled comfort and natural sensation. Available in a variety of packs offering unique benefits:
Gold Pack (20 Count):
Enjoy enhanced intimacy with our extra-lubricated, ultra-thin condoms. The reservoir tip provides added comfort and pleasure.
Pink Pack (10 Count):
Featuring a unique design with a textured surface for enhanced stimulation and a reservoir tip with extra long-lasting lubricant for prolonged intimacy. A gently constricting ring at the crown further enhances the experience.
Blue Pack (10 Count):
Experience the smooth, silky feel of our classic ultra-thin condoms with extra long-lasting lubricant in the reservoir tip for extended pleasure.
Black Pack (10 Count):
Our ultra-thin condoms with double lubrication maintain moisture 33 times longer than comparable products, providing a prolonged and pleasurable experience. Enjoy a subtle vanilla scent.
Red Pack (10 Count):
Ignite the senses with our ultra-thin condoms featuring warming lubrication for enhanced sensitivity and heightened pleasure. The added stimulation will amplify your intimacy.
All OLO condoms are designed to prevent unwanted pregnancy and protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV. They are 180mm long and 52mm in diameter. Choose the OLO Gold experience tailored to your preferences.