Title: NutriHeal Lutein & Beta-Carotene Eye Vitamins – 60 Tablets
Support your eye health with NutriHeal’s Lutein & Beta-Carotene supplement. This comprehensive formula combines powerful antioxidants, including lutein (a carotenoid crucial for protecting against UV damage and free radicals), beta-carotene (a potent antioxidant with immune-boosting properties), and Vitamin A (essential for corneal health and night vision).
This natural vitamin complex helps maintain optimal vision for both men and women, supporting healthy aging eyes and reducing the risk of age-related macular degeneration. It’s ideal for individuals of all ages, especially those experiencing digital eye strain from computers and smartphones, or those with conditions like dry eyes, cataracts, glaucoma, nearsightedness, or farsightedness.
NutriHeal’s sublingual tablets offer superior absorption without the need for water. The delicious orange flavor makes daily supplementation easy and enjoyable. Recommended for adults and children over 14. A complete dietary supplement, not a drug. 60 tablets per bottle.