Title: NutriDrink Compact Protein Strawberry (4 x 125ml)
NutriDrink Compact Protein Strawberry is a ready-to-drink, high-protein, high-calorie nutritional supplement designed for adults (18+) experiencing malnutrition or at risk of developing it. Each 125ml bottle provides 18g of protein, 306 kcal, 13 vitamins, and 15 minerals, potentially meeting significant daily protein and energy needs (1-3 bottles).
This balanced formula is ideal for enteral nutrition and supports patients with increased protein and energy requirements. Applications include:
- Cancer Patients: Pre- and post-operative support, during and between chemotherapy/radiation cycles. Nutritional support can reduce the frequency and severity of post-operative complications.
(Source: NARIS Russian multicenter study on perioperative high-protein nutritional support for primary lung cancer: https://narnis.ru/research/32543/ (Accessed March 21, 2023)) - Other Conditions: Various illnesses associated with malnutrition or risk thereof, requiring high-calorie nutrition.
(Source: Obukhova O.A., Kurmukov I.A., Yunaev G.S. The role of nutritional support in the treatment of malignant liver neoplasms // Clinical nutrition and metabolism. 2020;1(3):117–126.)
NutriDrink Compact Protein offers a range of delicious flavors: strawberry, vanilla, peach-mango, banana, coffee, plus three unique flavors for patients with taste aversion: cooling fruit & berry, warming ginger & tropical fruit, and neutral. (Source: Nutricia)
This product helps replenish essential nutrients and improve quality of life. (Source: Protocols of clinical recommendations for supportive therapy in oncology. 7th ed., revised and supplemented. – M.: ABV-press, 2023. – 320 p.) This pack contains four 125ml bottles.
NutriDrink Compact Protein, high-protein drink, high-calorie drink, medical nutrition, enteral nutrition, malnutrition, cancer nutrition, post-operative nutrition, chemotherapy nutrition, radiation therapy nutrition, strawberry, ready-to-drink, nutritional supplement, vitamins, minerals, protein, kcal, Nutricia, taste aversion.