Title: NFO Norwegian Fish Oil Omega-3 1000mg: Brain, Joint & Bone Support, Enhanced Energy & Stamina (60 Capsules)
Experience the power of pure Norwegian Omega-3s with NFO Fish Oil 1000mg. Sourced from sustainably harvested fish in pristine, pollution-free waters, our highly refined fish oil capsules are odorless and tasteless, ensuring a pleasant experience. Advanced purification methods remove all heavy metals, including mercury and lead, guaranteeing purity and safety. Each capsule delivers 1000mg of Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA 360mg, DHA 240mg), supporting cognitive function, reproductive health, bone and joint strength, energy levels, and overall well-being. NFO Omega-3 also contributes to cardiovascular and immune system health, helps combat chronic fatigue, and may reduce cancer risk. Take 1-2 capsules daily with a meal. (Each serving of 2 capsules contains: Fish Oil 2000mg, Omega-3 PUFA 600mg, Vitamin E 1.48mg). Capsule weight: 1450mg. *Please note: Product may arrive in either old or new packaging.*
NFO, Norwegian fish oil, Omega-3, 1000mg, EPA, DHA, brain health, cognitive function, joint pain, bone health, reproductive health, energy boost, stamina, chronic fatigue, immune support, cardiovascular health, cancer prevention, fish oil capsules, supplement, healthy lifestyle, pure, refined, heavy metal free, sustainable, odorless, tasteless.