Title: NeoHealth Gutta-Percha Points (Size 30, 0.04 Taper) – 60 Count
NeoHealth offers high-quality gutta-percha points for reliable root canal obturation. These ISO-standardized points are manufactured from 100% biocompatible natural gutta-percha, ensuring patient safety and predictable results. Key features include:
- Superior Biocompatibility: Made from natural gutta-percha for optimal tissue tolerance.
- Precise ISO Sizing & Color-Coding: Easy identification and accurate placement (sizes 8-50 available).
- 0.04 Taper, Size 30: This listing contains 60 points of size 30 with a 0.04 taper.
- High X-Ray Opacity: Enables clear visualization during and after the procedure.
- Excellent Plasticity: Facilitates various condensation techniques for a complete seal.
- Convenient Packaging: Supplied in a slide cassette with a foam insert to prevent damage and loss.
Keywords: gutta percha points, gutta percha, root canal obturation, endodontic points, dental supplies, dental materials, size 30, 0.04 taper, ISO standard, biocompatible, high x-ray opacity, NeoHealth, endo points, root canal filling, dental instruments.