Title: Hema-Plex Iron Supplement: Slow-Release, Bioavailable Iron for Women’s Health (30 Tablets)
Iron deficiency can lead to serious health problems, particularly in women. Low ferritin levels negatively impact numerous biochemical processes. Hema-Plex provides 85mg of highly bioavailable, chelated iron (trivalent) – a superior form bound to amino acids for optimal absorption. This comprehensive blood-building formula also includes essential vitamins and minerals: Vitamins C & E, B vitamins, copper, and folic acid. Iron and Vitamin B12 are crucial components of hemoglobin, vital for oxygen transport. Hema-Plex supports: healthy blood composition, hemoglobin levels, blood glucose regulation, energy levels, immune function, and may be used as part of an anemia treatment plan. (30 tablets)
Hema-Plex, Natures Plus Iron, iron supplement, slow-release iron, chelated iron, iron deficiency, anemia, low ferritin, women’s health, blood health, hemoglobin, vitamins, minerals, vitamin C, vitamin E, B vitamins, folic acid, copper, vitamin B12, energy boost, immune support, blood glucose regulation, trivalent iron, bioavailable iron, 30 tablets.