Title: NativBio Natív-Gastro Fucus Jelly: Therapeutic Nutrition for Digestive Health (550g)
NativBio Natív-Gastro Fucus Jelly is a powerful therapeutic food designed to support digestive health and boost immunity. This innovative, all-natural formula harnesses the potent benefits of fucoidan, alginates, inulin, and other essential nutrients from kelp and Jerusalem artichoke.
Key Benefits:
- Improved Digestion: Alginates soothe the gastrointestinal tract, promote gut lining regeneration, and restore healthy gut flora, leading to improved digestion and potentially weight management. Inulin further stimulates digestive motility and acts as a gentle laxative.
- Enhanced Immunity: Fucoidan exhibits potent antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, while strengthening the immune system. The rich blend of vitamins and minerals further supports overall health.
- Cholesterol & Blood Sugar Management: Alginates and fucoidan help lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, contributing to cardiovascular health and potentially aiding in weight management. Alginates also help regulate blood sugar levels.
- Detoxification: Alginates and inulin act as effective enterosorbents, binding and eliminating toxins and heavy metals from the body.
- Thyroid Support: Organically bound iodine supports healthy thyroid function, crucial for metabolism, cardiovascular health, and nervous system function. This helps prevent weight gain associated with hypothyroidism.
- Nutrient Absorption: Silicon enhances nutrient absorption, supporting overall metabolic processes.
Made with:
Nativ-Gastro is produced using an innovative, chemical-free, and cold-processed method, ensuring the preservation of vital nutrients. It contains no artificial preservatives, colors, or flavors. Ready-to-eat.
Fucus (kelp), Jerusalem artichoke syrup, providing a rich source of alginates, fucoidan, inulin, iodine, vitamins (B group, D, C, E, PP), and minerals (potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, silicon, iron, copper, bromine, sulfur, phosphorus).
Adults: 1 tablespoon 15-20 minutes before meals, twice daily. Children: Dosage should be adjusted based on body weight. May be mixed with fruit juice.
Important Note:
Due to the absorbent properties of dietary fiber, it’s recommended to consume Nativ-Gastro separately from medications. Natív-Gastro is a dietary supplement and should not replace prescribed medications.
Treatment Course:
- Minimum: 1 month (5 jars)
- Optimal: 3 months (15 jars) or more.
- Ideally, repeat courses of 1-2 months, 3 times per year.
Iodine Content:
800-1200 mcg per serving.
Serving Size:
Store unopened at 0-25°C for up to 12 months. After opening, refrigerate at +2 to +6°C and consume within 15 days.
NativBio, Natív-Gastro, Fucus Jelly, Kelp Jelly, Therapeutic Nutrition, Digestive Health, Immunity Booster, Cholesterol Lowering, Blood Sugar Regulation, Detoxification, Thyroid Support, Weight Management, Natural Supplement, Dietary Supplement, Fucoidan, Alginates, Inulin, Iodine, Vitamins, Minerals, Gut Health, Probiotic, Prebiotic, Cold-Processed, Chemical-Free, Ready-to-Eat, 550g.