Title: Mirrolla Fish Oil with Vitamins A, D, & E – 100 Capsules (370mg) – Omega-3 Supplement
Mirrolla Fish Oil Capsules deliver a potent dose of Omega-3 fatty acids from Norwegian salmon, meeting stringent European quality and safety standards. Each capsule provides a rich source of Omega-3s, along with Vitamins A, D, and E, supporting overall health and well-being. Recommended dosage: 5 capsules twice daily with meals for adults and children over 14. Use for 4-6 weeks, and repeat as needed, up to several times a year. Consult your doctor before use, especially if pregnant, breastfeeding, or have allergies. Nutritional information per 100g: Fat 80g (including Omega-3 PUFAs ≥11g), Protein 14g, Iodine ≥0.65mg. Energy value: 780kcal/3200kJ. Individual intolerance to product components is a contraindication.