Title: Metzger Corner Tweezers PY-841-S-D (13cm) – Precision Ingrown Toenail Removal
These precision Metzger corner tweezers (PY-841-S-D) provide a clean, accurate cut in hard-to-reach areas during pedicure treatments, ideal for ingrown toenail removal. Crafted from high-quality, matte-finished surgical steel, they are compatible with all sterilization and disinfection methods. The tweezers feature a 130mm total length with an 18mm cutting edge, ensuring precise and controlled removal of ingrown nails. Designed for professional and home use. Manufactured in Pakistan.
Metzger tweezers, PY-841-S-D, ingrown toenail tweezers, ingrown toenail removal, pedicure tools, nail clippers, cuticle nippers, professional nail tools, surgical steel tweezers, 130mm tweezers, 18mm cutting edge, nail care tools, podiatry tools, manicure tools, sterile tweezers, disinfectable tweezers, Pakistan-made tweezers, ingrown toenail treatment, nail trimming tools.