Title: Metalline Non-Adhesive Sterile Tracheostomy Dressing (8 x 9 cm, 50 Pack)
Metalline tracheostomy dressings offer superior wound care with their unique three-layer design. A thin, non-adhesive aluminum layer prevents painful sticking to the wound, while a highly absorbent viscose core efficiently manages exudate. The protective outer layer maintains hygiene and prevents contamination. These comfortable, easy-to-change dressings minimize trauma during removal. Metalline’s metallic layer also helps to regulate temperature, protecting the wound from overheating. Ideal for a wide range of applications including trauma, surgery, dermatology, and phlebology, these dressings are particularly suitable for larger wounds, abrasions, and burns. Perfect for first aid and routine wound care. Each pack contains 50 individually sterile 8 x 9 cm dressings.