Title: Men’s Orto BG 111 Inguinal Hernia Support Belt (XXL) – Discounted
The Orto BG-111 inguinal hernia support belt prevents hernia protrusion. Its anatomical design features a two-way adjustable elastic waistband, a non-stretchable abdominal panel, and adjustable elastic thigh straps with front fastening. Reinforced with spring steel stays and two flat, removable pads, this belt provides comfortable and effective support.
Suitable for unilateral and bilateral reducible inguinal and femoral hernias, post-hernia surgery recovery, and weakness in the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the lower anterior abdominal wall, inguinal, and femoral canals.
Irreducible and strangulated hernias.
Base fabric: polypropylene, polyester, polyamide, latex, cotton; Stays: spring steel; Pads: Isolon.
- S (Hip Circumference): 27.5-33.5 inches (70-85 cm)
- M (Hip Circumference): 31.5-37.5 inches (80-95 cm)
- L (Hip Circumference): 35.5-41.5 inches (90-105 cm)
- XL (Hip Circumference): 39.5-45.5 inches (100-115 cm)
- XXL (Hip Circumference): 43.5-49.5 inches (110-125 cm)
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