Title: Medispine G25 Quincke Type Spinal Needle (25 Pack)
The Medispine G25 Quincke Type Spinal Needle (25 pack) is a high-quality, single-use device designed for administering local anesthetic agents during spinal anesthesia. Crafted from premium surgical-grade stainless steel, these needles boast exceptional strength despite their minimal wall thickness. The triple-bevel design ensures atraumatic insertion, while the short-bevel Quinke point facilitates smooth puncture. A clear, integrated liquor-identifier chamber allows for immediate visualization of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), confirming successful puncture. Each needle features a stylet (mandrin), a Luer and Luer-Lock connector, and color-coded stylet for easy size identification. Manufactured from biocompatible materials, these needles are ethylene oxide sterilized, apyrogenic, and non-toxic. Individually packaged for sterility and safety.