Title: Yellow Medical Waste Bags (Class B), 700x800mm, 60L, 50 Bags
High-quality, 60-liter yellow medical waste bags (Class B) designed for the safe disposal of potentially infectious waste. These heavy-duty bags measure 700x800mm (70cm x 80cm) with 10cm gussets on each side for a total unfolded width of 70cm. Each bag features a convenient labeling area for organization name, department, responsible person, and collection date, eliminating the need for separate labels.
These single-use bags are perfect for the collection, storage, and transportation of medical waste, including:
- Used bandages and hygiene materials
- Laboratory products posing a risk of infection
- Contaminated materials from infectious disease wards
Suitable for a wide range of healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, laboratories, and cosmetic practices. These bags are compliant with sanitary standards and possess the necessary registration certificates.
Key Features:
- Class B (Yellow): For potentially infectious waste.
- Size: 700x800mm (70cm x 80cm), 60-liter capacity.
- Thickness: 8 microns
- Quantity: 50 bags per pack
- Integrated Labeling Area: No need for separate labels.
- Certified & Compliant: Meets all relevant sanitary regulations.
- Drawstring Sold Separately: Available in our product range.
We also offer a complete range of medical waste bags in various sizes and colors to suit your needs: Class A (White), Class B (Yellow), Class C (Red), and Class D (Black). See our size chart below:
Size Chart:
- 33x60cm – 10L
- 50x60cm – 30L
- 70x80cm – 60L
- 80x90cm – 90L
- 60x100cm – 100L
- 70x110cm – 120L
Order your Class B medical waste bags today and ensure the safe and compliant disposal of your infectious waste.