Title: Marshmallow Root Flower Herbal Tea (100g)
Enhanced Description:
For centuries, marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis) has been revered for its remarkable soothing and healing properties. Our 100g Marshmallow Root Flower Herbal Tea harnesses the power of this ancient remedy, providing gentle relief from a variety of ailments.
Rich in mucilage, a naturally occurring substance, this tea forms a protective layer on irritated mucous membranes, offering soothing relief from:
- Digestive Issues: Soothes inflammation in the stomach and intestines, easing discomfort associated with indigestion and diarrhea.
- Cough & Respiratory Irritation: Helps to calm coughs, loosen phlegm, and ease breathing difficulties associated with conditions like asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema. Honey can be added for extra sweetness and soothing.
- Mouth & Throat Sores: Gargling with marshmallow root tea can alleviate inflammation and irritation in the mouth and throat, promoting healing of sores and ulcers. It’s also beneficial for soothing inflamed gums.
Our carefully sourced marshmallow root flowers are expertly processed to preserve their beneficial properties, ensuring a high-quality, effective herbal tea. Experience the gentle yet powerful healing benefits of marshmallow root today. Enjoy a cup of calm and natural relief.