Title: Magnesium Citrate Biocaps: 120 Capsules for Stress Relief & Improved Well-being
Combat the daily grind with Magnesium Citrate Biocaps. Our premium formula combines highly bioavailable magnesium citrate with Vitamin B6, offering natural support for your health and well-being. Experience:
- Stress & Anxiety Relief: Improve nervous system function and reduce daily stress and fatigue.
- Better Sleep: Promote muscle relaxation and restful sleep for increased energy and vitality.
- Heart Health Support: Maintain healthy heart function and strengthen heart muscles.
- Improved Digestion: Support optimal digestive function.
- Natural & Organic Ingredients: Made with high-quality, natural ingredients for safe and effective support.
Adults and children over 3 years old: 3 capsules daily with meals. For children under 7 years old, empty capsule contents into 50-100ml of room-temperature water, mix, and drink immediately. Use for 1 month. May be repeated as needed throughout the year.
This product is a dietary supplement and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your doctor before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have any underlying health conditions.
Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Supplement, Vitamin B6, Stress Relief, Anxiety Relief, Sleep Aid, Heart Health, Digestion Support, Natural Supplement, Organic Supplement, Dietary Supplement, Biocaps, Capsules, 120 Capsules, Wellness, Well-being, Energy, Fatigue, Muscle Relaxation.