Title: Miosuperfood Magnesium & 5-HTP with Saffron – Sleep & Mood Support (60 Capsules)
Experience the Miopharm difference. For over 6 years, Miopharm supplements have been sold in pharmacies across Russia, guaranteeing high pharmaceutical quality and rigorous production control. Our Magnesium & 5-HTP with Saffron complex is designed to support healthy sleep, mental well-being, and cognitive function.
5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP):
This natural precursor to serotonin acts as a mood stabilizer, promoting relaxation and improved sleep quality. It helps regulate the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle, reduces stress, enhances focus and memory, and eases jet lag. Unlike other amino acids, your body doesn’t produce 5-HTP, so supplementation is key.
An essential mineral involved in over 300 biochemical processes, magnesium supports nervous system health. It offers calming effects, reduces sensitivity to external stimuli, regulates muscle contractions, acts as an antioxidant, normalizes heart rate, improves blood vessel dilation, lowers blood pressure, and helps maintain healthy blood sugar and oxygen levels.
Rich in vitamins and minerals, saffron contributes to digestive health, supports cardiovascular function, boosts brain activity, and enhances serotonin production.
This powerful combination of 5-HTP and Magnesium, enhanced with Saffron, helps promote healthy nervous system function and restful sleep. Each capsule provides 120mg of Magnesium, 3mg of Carotenoids, and 50mg of 5-HTP.
Suggested Use:
Adults take one capsule daily with food. Use for one month. Repeat as needed.
Individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, breastfeeding. Consult your doctor before use.
5-HTP, magnesium, saffron, sleep aid, sleep support, mood enhancer, mood support, stress relief, anxiety relief, natural sleep aid, natural mood booster, cognitive function, memory improvement, Miopharm, Miosuperfood, dietary supplement, supplement, vitamins, Russia, pharmacy quality, anxiety, depression, serotonin, sleep cycle regulation, muscle relaxation, antioxidant, cardiovascular health, digestive health.