Title: Gordeev Lymphatic Detox: Herbal Tablets for Lymphatic Cleansing (2 x 90 Tablets)
Gordeev’s “Healthy Lymph” herbal tablets offer a natural approach to lymphatic cleansing and detoxification. This potent blend of carefully selected herbs supports healthy lymphatic drainage, reducing inflammation, boosting immunity, and relieving pain. The active components work synergistically to combat the effects of microbial, medication-related, occupational, alcohol, narcotic, and nicotine exposure, and to provide support during and after radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
These lymphatic drainage tablets help eliminate toxins, strengthen the immune system, balance the nervous system, and regulate metabolism and fluid balance. Regular use improves overall well-being, combats sluggishness, restores immunity, and helps prevent edema (swelling). The convenient tablet form makes this herbal remedy easy to incorporate into your daily routine.
Gordeev’s “Healthy Lymph” is completely natural, providing gentle, non-habit-forming support for lymphatic health.
Astragalus, Common Bugloss, Purple Loosestrife, Goldenrod, Water Germander, Wild Strawberry, Lungwort, Peppermint, Figwort, Joe-Pye Weed, Primrose, Celastrus orbiculatus (commonly known as Bittersweet or Staff Tree), Duckweed, Echinops ritro (Globe Thistle), Thistle, Meadowsweet, Violet, Common Stonecrop, Self-heal, Greater Celandine, Sage; Birch leaves; Willow and Aspen bark; Alder and Currant buds; Solomon’s Seal, Figwort, Peony roots; Excipients: Lactose, Aerosil, Calcium stearate.
Take 1-2 tablets three times daily. Dissolve in 100ml of warm, unboiled water, or swallow whole with water, 10 minutes before meals. Minimum course duration: 1-2 weeks to six months. Repeat courses as needed.
lymphatic drainage, lymphatic system cleansing, lymphatic detoxification, herbal tablets, Gordeev, healthy lymph, immune support, detoxification, inflammation, pain relief, chemotherapy support, radiotherapy support, natural remedy, herbal supplement, toxin removal, edema prevention, fluid balance, metabolism support, Astragalus, Common Bugloss, Purple Loosestrife, Goldenrod, Water Germander, Wild Strawberry, Lungwort, Peppermint, Figwort, Joe-Pye Weed, Primrose, Celastrus orbiculatus, Duckweed, Echinops ritro, Thistle, Meadowsweet, Violet, Common Stonecrop, Self-heal, Greater Celandine, Sage, Birch leaves, Willow bark, Aspen bark, Alder buds, Currant buds, Solomon’s Seal, Peony roots, lactose, aerosil, calcium stearate.