Title: Large Lyapko Applicator Mat (7.0, 275×480 mm) – Green
Product Description
The large Lyapko applicator mat (7.0, 275×480 mm) provides a generous surface area for effective acupuncture-like therapy. Its green color adds a calming touch to your therapeutic experience. Recommended for back applications, it’s also ideal for use under the feet (standing, sitting, or lying down). Lying prone on the mat is particularly beneficial for the prevention and treatment of digestive disorders and obesity.
This versatile mat offers numerous therapeutic benefits, acting as a preventative measure for overall health improvement. It can boost energy levels, improve mood and sleep quality, and normalize metabolism.
Safe and Hygienic
The Lyapko applicator mat is designed for safe and comfortable use. The needles make contact with the skin without causing damage and do not penetrate the skin’s surface. The applicator does not come into contact with blood. For individual use, only cleaning with a mild detergent, rinsing with water, and drying with a hairdryer is necessary. For use in clinical settings, disinfection should be carried out according to ОСТ 42-21-2-85 guidelines. With proper care, your Lyapko applicator will last for 5-7 years.
Application and Treatment Duration
The treatment duration influences the therapeutic effect:
- 7-10 minutes: For toning, acute pain relief, increased energy, and raising blood pressure in hypotensive individuals.
- 15-30 minutes: For relaxation, chronic pain relief, lowering blood pressure, and inducing sleep.
For optimal comfort and effectiveness
Proper positioning on the mat is crucial. Use pillows and rolled towels to support your spine and ensure even pressure distribution. Initial discomfort (typically within the first 5 minutes) should give way to a pleasant sensation of warmth, vibration, and pulsation, often leading to restful sleep.
If discomfort persists for 10-15 minutes, remove the mat and wait 5-10 hours or until the next day before reapplying. Discomfort may result from uneven pressure distribution or the mat slipping, causing skin irritation. To address this, try repositioning yourself on the mat, placing a soft cushion under your knees.
Treatment Course
A typical treatment course lasts 1-2 weeks, with a recommended break of 2-4 weeks before repeating the cycle. Many users have reported positive experiences with daily use for several months.
Lyapko applicator, Lyapko mat, applicator mat, acupuncture mat, pain relief, back pain relief, relaxation, sleep aid, energy boost, metabolism, digestive health, obesity, treatment, therapy, health, wellness, 7.0, 275×480 mm, green, large applicator mat.