Title: Thoracic Lumbar Orthopedic Corset
Description: This breathable, hypoallergenic orthopedic corset features four individually moldable metal stays for customized support. A triple-adjustable closure on the lumbar section allows for precise compression and customized fit. The flexible stays are shaped by a medical professional to perfectly conform to the patient’s unique spinal curvature and anatomy. The corset’s elastic material, combined with the four moldable stays and triple closure system, provides adjustable compression. This targeted pressure relieves lower back muscle strain and gently compresses the abdomen, effectively alleviating pain. Corset height: 35 cm.
Keywords: orthopedic corset, thoracic lumbar corset, back brace, lower back pain, back support, adjustable back brace, moldable stays, hypoallergenic corset, breathable corset, spinal support, posture support, pain relief, medical corset, lumbar support, 35cm corset, triple closure, customizable support, individualized fit.