Title: Canifrathon Phytocomplex with Lovage Root – 200mg Capsules (30 Count)
Description: Canifrathon Phytocomplex harnesses the synergistic power of Goldenseal, Rosemary, Lovage Root, and Rutin to support healthy kidney and urinary tract function. This blend promotes fluid balance, minimizes excess fluid retention, and maintains essential mineral levels. Goldenseal exhibits antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic properties, aiding in chronic kidney conditions and bladder inflammation (cystitis). Lovage Root facilitates fluid excretion, reduces swelling, improves renal blood flow, and helps dissolve kidney stones. Rosemary offers toning, diuretic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory benefits, supporting healthy kidney and bladder function and inhibiting bacterial growth. Rutin from Japanese Sophora displays antioxidant and bactericidal effects, reducing capillary fragility, enhancing blood circulation, and alleviating swelling. Experience natural kidney and urinary tract support with Canifrathon.