Title: Lion’s Mane Mushroom Supplement – 60 Capsules (65mg) – Nootropic, Anti-Aging, Brain Health Support – Fungo-Shi
Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus), a captivating mushroom prized for its unique appearance and potent health benefits, thrives on living and decaying hardwood trees across Europe, Asia, and America. Known by many names – Pom Pom mushroom, Monkey Head mushroom, Bearded Tooth mushroom – this remarkable fungus has a rich history, with its first documented use appearing in the 3rd century BC in the Chinese physician Wu-Shi’s medical canon, where it was revered as a time-defying elixir.
Modern science has begun to unravel the secrets of Lion’s Mane. Studies published in Phytotherapy Research (2009) highlight its unique phenolic compounds, hericenones, which stimulate the production of nerve growth factor (NGF). This makes Lion’s Mane a promising natural remedy for Alzheimer’s disease, supporting memory retention and potentially mitigating amyloid-beta plaque formation, a key factor in Alzheimer’s development. Furthermore, research indicates Lion’s Mane can offer relief from depression and anxiety.
Japanese research has identified additional active compounds within Lion’s Mane, including β-glucan, glucoxyloprotein, and galactoxyloglucoprotein, demonstrating potential anti-tumour effects against cancers of the stomach, liver, and pancreas. Clinical trials at the Tokyo Institute of Carcinogenesis have shown that Lion’s Mane polysaccharides effectively suppress pancreatic cancer cells, resulting in an average 5-year remission post-surgery.
Fungo-Shi’s Lion’s Mane supplement provides 60 capsules, each containing 65mg of this powerful medicinal mushroom, supporting cognitive function, promoting overall well-being, and contributing to healthy aging.
Lion’s Mane, Hericium erinaceus, Mushroom Supplement, Nootropic, Anti-aging, Brain Health, Cognitive Function, Memory Support, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Depression, Anxiety, Cancer Support, Immune Support, Fungo-Shi, 60 Capsules, 65mg, Natural Remedy, Herbal Supplement, Phytotherapy Research.