Title: Lion’s Mane Mushroom Supplement: 120 Capsules (500mg)
Product Description:
Lion’s Mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) is a powerful natural nootropic, unlike synthetic alternatives which artificially stimulate neurotransmitter production. Instead, Lion’s Mane promotes the natural synthesis of neurotransmitters by increasing nerve growth factor (NGF) levels in the brain.
Neuroprotective Benefits:
- NGF Stimulation: Lion’s Mane significantly boosts NGF production, a crucial growth factor vital for cognitive function, memory enhancement, improved learning, and protecting neurons from damage caused by various factors.
- Neural Repair: NGF repairs damaged neural connections resulting from age, substance abuse, illness, or injury. It acts as a neurotrophin, fostering the creation of a protective myelin sheath around axons, preventing their degradation and promoting nerve regeneration. Essentially, it provides the “building blocks” for neuronal repair and rebuilding.
2 capsules in the morning before meals, 2 capsules at midday before meals, or 4 capsules once daily in the morning before meals.
Individual intolerance, pregnancy, breastfeeding, children under 6 years old.
Important Note:
This is a dietary supplement and is not a drug or a БАД (biological active additive). Visible results are typically observed after a 30-60 day course.