Title: Lion’s Mane Mushroom Mycelium 700mg – 125 Capsules
Introducing CORENIN’s Lion’s Mane Mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) Mycelium supplement. Each bottle contains 125 capsules of finely ground mycelium powder, providing a one-month supply (30 days, 2 capsules twice daily, 30 minutes before meals). Lion’s Mane mycelium boasts superior benefits compared to the fruiting body, making it a popular choice for health-conscious individuals. Cultivated on premium brown rice in pristine laboratory conditions, our Lion’s Mane (also known as Angel Healthy, Hericium, or the Lion’s Mane mushroom) guarantees exceptional purity. Renowned as a nootropic, Lion’s Mane significantly supports cognitive function. Prominent Russian mycologist M. Vishnevsky notes that “the hericenones and erinacines E extracted from the mycelium extract are powerful stimulators of nerve growth factor synthesis.” Traditionally used in Eastern medicine for neurasthenia and depression, and for nervous system recovery, Lion’s Mane is a potent antioxidant and antidepressant. It exhibits the ability to slow cancer cell growth and metastasis. This vitamin and mineral-rich complex strengthens the immune system and aids detoxification.
SEO Keywords:
Lion’s Mane, Lion’s Mane Mushroom, Hericium erinaceus, Hericium, Angel Healthy, Lions Mane, Mycelium, Mushroom Mycelium, 700mg, Supplement, Capsules, Nootropic, Cognitive Function, Nerve Growth Factor, Antioxidant, Antidepressant, Immune System, Detox, Cancer, Metastasis, Brown Rice Mycelium, CORENIN, Health Supplement, Natural Supplement, Brain Health, Nervous System Support, Vitamin and Mineral Complex