Title: Lyapko Double Roller Applicator 5.8 mm – 10.5 x 46 cm – Genuine Medical Acupuncture Mat
The Lyapko Double Roller Applicator 5.8 mm is a genuine, high-quality acupuncture mat featuring a flexible medical-grade rubber base with precisely spaced needles. This 10.5 cm x 46 cm mat boasts a 5.8 mm needle spacing, providing a gentler, more comfortable stimulation than applicators with closer needle spacing (like the 6.2 mm version). The needles are crafted from high-grade medical steel with a multi-metal coating (including silver) for optimal therapeutic effect. Manufactured by Lyapko (formerly based in Makeevka, Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine, and currently in Inkerman, Sevastopol, Crimea, RF), this applicator ensures consistent quality and authenticity.
- Gentle Yet Effective Stimulation: The 5.8 mm needle spacing delivers comfortable yet potent therapeutic benefits. Ideal for broader areas and sensitive individuals.
- Improved Circulation & Metabolism: Stimulates blood flow, boosting metabolic processes and promoting overall wellness.
- Pain Relief & Joint Support: Alleviates joint pain, stiffness, and improves mobility. Supports recovery from injuries and post-surgical rehabilitation.
- Enhanced Sleep & Energy Levels: Promotes restful sleep and increases energy levels throughout the day.
- Complementary Therapy: Enhances the effectiveness of various therapies, including massage, acupuncture (including auricular acupuncture), manual therapy, physiotherapy, and microwave resonance techniques. Ideal for use with other holistic health practices.
- Hormonal Balance & Endocrine Support: Helps to support hormonal balance and address endocrine system imbalances.
- Improved Reproductive Health: Improves blood flow in the pelvic region, potentially addressing reproductive health issues in both men and women.
Target Areas:
- Back (focused treatment on smaller areas)
- Abdomen (particularly on areas of fat deposits)
- Feet (use standing or seated with a cushion for even pressure distribution)
- Acute infectious diseases
- Exacerbation of chronic diseases with high fever
- Decompensated cardiovascular diseases, liver, lung, kidney, blood, and hematopoietic disorders
- Thrombophlebitis (acute phase)
- Conditions requiring immediate surgery
- Sudden and rapid exhaustion
- Broken skin (open wounds, burns, frostbite)
Lyapko applicator, Lyapko roller, acupuncture mat, acupuncture roller, pain relief, back pain relief, joint pain relief, massage mat, self-massage, improved circulation, metabolic boost, sleep improvement, energy boost, hormonal balance, reproductive health, holistic health, natural therapy, medical-grade, genuine Lyapko, 5.8 mm spacing, 10.5 x 46 cm, double roller, Lyapko applicator 5.8, acupuncture therapy, therapeutic device.