Title: Lee West’s Isatis Extract: Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Relief from Flu, Headache & Sore Throat (5 Packs)
Discover the ancient Chinese secret to fever reduction and pain relief: Isatis root extract. For centuries, this powerful natural remedy has been prized for its antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties. Lee West’s Isatis Extract helps reduce pain intensity and supports the body’s natural detoxification process. This supplement provides a rich source of polyphenols.
Important Considerations:
While using Isatis root extract, it’s recommended to avoid smoking, alcohol, spicy, bitter, cold, raw, and fatty foods. Effectiveness may be limited with profuse, clear nasal discharge.
For Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Practitioners:
This extract exhibits a strong cold nature, dispelling heat, neutralizing toxins, cooling the blood, and alleviating heat rashes.