Title: Leovit Oat Kissel for Cough Relief: Fast-Dissolving, Natural Instant Drink (5 x 20g Sachets)
Leovit Oat Kissel provides soothing relief from cough symptoms associated with respiratory illnesses. While rich in medicinal herbs like sage, thyme, licorice, hyssop, and coltsfoot, the delicious taste is dominated by natural apple and blackcurrant flavors. This convenient, fast-dissolving oat drink in individual sachets helps to:
- Reduce Cough & Shortness of Breath: A blend of herbs effectively promotes expectoration.
- Reduce Inflammation: Coltsfoot, oats, blackcurrant, and licorice possess natural anti-inflammatory properties.
- Boost Immunity & Fight Microbes: The unique combination of parmelia, sage, hyssop, apple, and Vitamin C supports immune function and combats infection.
- Reduce Toxins & Improve Digestion: Oats, apples, beetroot, ginger, licorice, and Vitamin C contribute to detoxification and healthy digestion.
Clinically proven effectiveness. Ready in minutes! Simply pour boiling water over one sachet (20g), stir, and let it steep for 1-2 minutes. Enjoy this delicious and healthy kissel 1-2 times daily. Use immediately after opening.
Made with oat flour, apples, blackcurrants, and beetroot, alongside the beneficial herbs, this naturally delicious drink masks the herbal taste with sweet fruit flavors. Ideal for respiratory conditions accompanied by a cough. Vegan-friendly.
Nutritional Information (per 100g dry product / per serving (20g) / %NRV*):
- Carbohydrates: 92g / 18.4g / 5%
- Vitamin C: 500mg / 100mg / 167%
- Energy: 1590kJ (370kcal) / 318kJ (74kcal) / 3%
*NRV – Nutrient Reference Value according to TR CU 022/2011
Leovit, oat kissel, cough relief, respiratory illness, herbal remedy, natural remedy, fast-dissolving, instant drink, sachets, apple, blackcurrant, oat flour, sage, thyme, licorice, hyssop, coltsfoot, parmelia, vitamin C, vegan, clinically proven, immune support, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, digestive health, detoxification, easy preparation, healthy drink.