Title: Leovit Pokhudin Diet Compote: Fast Weight Loss in a Week (400g)
Leovit Pokhudin Diet Compote is a delicious and convenient addition to any weight-loss plan. Made with natural ingredients like apple, pineapple, barberry, and blackcurrant, this quick-preparation drink supports healthy weight management through improved digestion and metabolism regulation. Its gentle laxative effect aids in detoxification, while magnesium sulfate provides a mild cholagogue action (supporting liver function) and zinc sulfate helps reduce liver fat. Clinically proven efficacy. Simply add one sachet to a cup of boiling water, let it steep for 1-2 minutes, and enjoy 1-2 times daily. Pokhudin’s formulation includes bromelain, a known fat-burning component, and is further enhanced with oat and starch. This low-calorie, convenient, and delicious compote is perfect for those seeking effortless weight loss while maintaining an active lifestyle. A 400g pack provides a week’s supply.