Title: Layco Triple Calcium D3 K2 Tablets (750mg, 60 Count)
Layco Triple Calcium D3 K2 provides comprehensive support for your musculoskeletal system. This advanced formula combines three forms of calcium with vitamins D3 and K2 for optimal absorption and utilization. The calcium source is derived from sustainably harvested Lithothamnion sp. seaweed, a naturally rich source of over 74 macro and microelements with a bioavailable profile mirroring human blood plasma. This superior bioavailability ensures calcium and magnesium are absorbed effectively, minimizing the risk of deposition in blood vessels or kidneys – a benefit substantiated by extensive research on Lithothamnion’s safety profile.
Layco Triple Calcium D3 K2 offers numerous benefits:
- Osteoporosis Risk Reduction: Helps maintain strong bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
- Faster Bone Healing: Supports faster fracture healing and bone repair.
- Cardiovascular Health: Helps prevent the calcification of blood vessels.
- Nutrient Replenishment: Addresses deficiencies in calcium, vitamin D3, and vitamin K2 in adults and children (3+ years).
- Child Development: Promotes healthy bone and tooth development in children, supporting overall growth and organ development.
- Pregnancy Support: Assists in maintaining healthy mineral metabolism during pregnancy.
- Blood Clotting Regulation: Contributes to healthy blood coagulation.
- Neuromuscular Function: Supports healthy nerve and muscle function, including heart rhythm.
- Improved Appearance: May improve the health and appearance of skin, hair, and nails.
Individual intolerance to components, carbohydrate metabolism disorders (including diabetes). Consult your doctor before use. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, and children under 14, should use only under medical supervision. This product is not a medicine.