Title: Tubifoam L Finger Protector – 1pc, Soft Foam Tube for Blisters, Corns & Calluses
Experience instant pain relief with Tubifoam, a versatile and economical foam finger protector. This high-quality, 25cm long tube (L size – 18mm inner diameter, 5mm thick) is made from 100% cotton fabric with a hypoallergenic foam covering. Perfect for cushioning and protecting fingers and toes, Tubifoam offers superior comfort and adaptability.
Ideal for relieving pressure and friction caused by:
- Blisters
- Corns
- Calluses
- Ingrown toenails
- Other foot and finger irritations
Simply cut Tubifoam to your desired length and shape for a customized fit. Its soft, breathable material ensures all-day comfort, even within footwear. Tubifoam is a must-have for athletes, people with sensitive feet, and anyone seeking relief from painful foot and finger ailments. Order your Tubifoam L finger protector today!