Title: Large Lyapko Roller Applicator (5mm Needle Spacing)
Description: The Lyapko roller applicator is a unique massage tool for effective self-care. Its innovative design combines metal and rubber needles, making it ideal for targeted body massage. This versatile device is perfect for rehabilitation and pain relief in various areas, including legs, back, neck, and lower back. The needle mechanism stimulates blood circulation and reduces muscle tension, promoting a feeling of lightness around joints. The applicator’s acupuncture-like effect provides soothing relief and enhances well-being. Made with safe, high-quality materials including copper and silver needles, the roller ensures gentle yet effective skin stimulation. This is the perfect tool for post-workout recovery or unwinding after a long day, activating key bio-active points on the feet and throughout the body to boost immunity and reduce stress. Its ergonomic 6.1cm diameter and 11cm width provide comfortable and effective treatment. The 5mm needle spacing offers a balanced level of stimulation. Experience the therapeutic benefits of the Lyapko method with this superior roller applicator.