Title: Relaxmat Acupuncture Mat & Roller Set with Bonus Backpack – Made in Russia
Experience deep relaxation and pain relief with the Relaxmat Acupuncture Mat and Roller Set. This premium set, inspired by Kuznetsov applicators but utilizing superior materials, features a flexible mat and roller designed for targeted massage of the back, neck, shoulders, lower back, hips, abdomen, feet, hands, and more. The set’s unique flexible needles provide effective acupressure without causing skin irritation or scratches.
Key Features:
- Flexible Massage Elements: Unlike traditional Kuznetsov applicators, Relaxmat’s flexible needles conform to your body’s contours for a more comfortable and effective massage.
- High-Quality Materials: Made with premium, eco-friendly materials and a removable, washable cotton/linen cover. The mat includes a soft orthopedic filler with memory effect.
- Double-Pointed Needles: Enhanced design for increased acupressure effectiveness. The mat contains 362 massage points.
- Complete Set: Includes a 60x40cm mat, a 30x10cm roller, and a stylish bonus backpack for convenient storage.
- Gentle Yet Effective: Safe for children under adult supervision. Provides a warming sensation indicative of effective treatment.
- Versatile Use: Addresses discomfort from back pain, neck pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, sciatica, nerve entrapment, muscle stiffness, spasms, cellulite, and more. May also help alleviate symptoms associated with radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis, and certain respiratory, digestive, and endocrine disorders. (Consult a doctor for specific conditions.)
- Relieves muscle tension and spasms
- Improves circulation
- Reduces pain
- Promotes relaxation and sleep
- Boosts energy levels
Avoid use over raised moles, warts, papillomas, or other skin growths. Not recommended for individuals with dermatitis or cancer (consult an oncologist before use).
Apply the mat or roller to the skin using your body weight. Adjust pressure to your comfort level. A warming sensation indicates effective treatment. Typical session duration: 5-15 minutes, 1-2 times daily. Consult your physician for personalized advice.
Kuznetsov applicator, acupressure mat, massage roller, back pain relief, neck pain relief, muscle pain relief, relaxation, stress relief, sleep aid, sciatica relief, arthritis relief, osteochondrosis relief, radiculitis relief, massage set, Relaxmat, pain relief, acupuncture mat, flexible needles, eco-friendly, premium quality, made in Russia, gift set, bonus backpack.