Title: Kuznetsov Applicator: Large Magnetic Acupuncture Mat (41x60cm) with 2cm Padding
Experience deep relaxation and therapeutic relief with this large (41x60cm) Kuznetsov applicator mat, featuring a plush 2cm padding for enhanced comfort. This versatile Tibetan acupuncture mat effectively targets back pain, muscle tension, and improves overall well-being. Boasting sharper needles and embedded magnets to amplify therapeutic effects, this mat promotes blood circulation, reduces pain, and boosts energy levels.
Key Features:
- Extra-Large Size: 41x60cm working surface (50×69.5cm total size) for broad application across back, abdomen, hips, thighs, and feet.
- Enhanced Comfort: 2cm thick soft padding for a comfortable and supportive massage experience.
- Sharper Needles: Yellow plastic needles provide a more intense, yet manageable, acupressure stimulation.
- Magnetic Therapy: Integrated magnets create a magnetic field, improving blood flow and reducing inflammation. This helps lower blood pressure and improve overall circulatory health.
- Durable & Natural: Made from high-quality, eco-friendly linen and cotton blend fabric.
- Double-Pointed Needles: Prevents deep penetration, ensuring a comfortable yet effective treatment.
- Secure Construction: Needles are securely heat-welded to the fabric for lasting durability.
- Bonus E-book: Receive a complimentary “Acupuncture Mat Guide” to maximize your treatment.
- Registered Medical Device: Approved and registered by Roszdravnadzor (Russian Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare).
- Made in Russia: By Kuznetsov Laboratory, a trusted manufacturer of acupressure products.
- Relieves muscle and joint pain (back, neck, shoulders) associated with conditions like osteoarthritis and radiculitis.
- Alleviates headaches and migraines.
- Boosts energy levels and improves overall well-being.
- Promotes relaxation and stress reduction.
- Improves sleep quality.
- Reduces symptoms of PMS and menopause.
- Assists in cellulite reduction (when used with other treatments).
- Helps alleviate plantar fasciitis.
This mat is suitable for various conditions, but consultation with a healthcare professional is recommended.
Avoid use over moles, warts, papillomas, skin irritations, or in case of cancer (consult an oncologist).
How to Use:
Place the mat on a flat surface. Lie, sit, or stand on the mat, adjusting pressure to your comfort level. A warming sensation indicates effective treatment. Start with 5-15 minutes, 1-2 times daily. Adjust duration and intensity as needed. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.
Kuznetsov applicator, acupuncture mat, acupressure mat, massage mat, pain relief, back pain relief, neck pain relief, muscle pain relief, relaxation mat, magnetic therapy mat, Tibetan acupuncture, health and wellness, self-care, stress relief, sleep aid, PMS relief, menopause relief, cellulite reduction, plantar fasciitis relief, Kuznetsov applicator mat, large acupuncture mat, magnetic acupuncture mat, 41x60cm acupuncture mat, 2cm padded acupuncture mat, linen acupuncture mat, Made in Russia, Roszdravnadzor approved.