Title: Korean Red Ginseng Extract: Boost Libido, Energy, Immunity & Vitality
Description: Wonder Jell Korean Red Ginseng Extract with Ice Mushroom – a powerful blend for enhanced libido, energy, immunity, and overall well-being. This daily supplement, containing 1500mg of 6-year-old Korean red ginseng extract per sachet, is formulated to improve sexual health, boost energy levels, and strengthen the immune system. Its unique combination includes ice mushroom (“21st-century hyaluronic acid”), known for its superior skin hydration and collagen production, as well as pomegranate extract for blood quality improvement and fructooligosaccharides (prebiotics) to support gut health. Wonder Jell works synergistically to combat fatigue, enhance cognitive function, improve circulation, and promote healthy aging. Suitable for vegans and those seeking natural collagen alternatives. Take one sachet daily for 8-12 weeks; for rapid immune recovery from respiratory or viral infections, take two sachets daily for one week. Experience the potent benefits of traditional Korean medicine in a modern, highly effective extract.