Title: Ecoten Knee Brace with 2 Springs & Silicone Ring (XXXL) – KS-E03
This breathable and moisture-wicking elastic knee brace (XXXL, KS-E03) from Ecoten offers superior support and comfort. Its unique knitting technology combines with two spiral side stabilizers and a silicone patellar ring to provide targeted compression and pain relief. Ideal for managing various knee conditions, including:
- Minor Injuries: Ligament sprains and strains
- Chronic Inflammation: Tendinitis (post-operative and post-traumatic)
- Injury Prevention: Patellar dislocation prevention during high-impact activities
- Other Conditions: Bursitis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, Osgood-Schlatter disease
This brace is suitable for both therapeutic use and sports injury prevention. Consult a healthcare professional before use.
While there are no absolute contraindications, consult your doctor if you have:
- Need for custom orthotics
- Malignant tumors near the application area
- Contact dermatitis, trophic ulcers, or pressure sores in the application area
- Allergy to product materials
- Thrombophlebitis in the application area
- Gonarthrosis with valgus or varus deformity of the lower extremities
- Impaired blood supply or venous outflow in the lower extremities
Do not apply the brace after using warming creams or ointments. Daily usage duration should be determined by your physician.
knee brace, knee support, knee pain relief, osteoarthritis brace, arthritis brace, tendinitis brace, ligament sprain brace, patellar stabilization, sports knee brace, Ecoten, KS-E03, XXXL, silicone ring, spiral stabilizers, breathable, moisture-wicking, elastic knee brace, post-operative knee support, post-traumatic knee support, Osgood-Schlatter disease brace, bursitis brace.