Title: Omega-3 for Kids: Cherry & Orange Flavored Fish Oil with Vitamins D & E (90 Capsules)
Safe & Bioavailable Omega-3s for Growing Kids:
Our delicious cherry and orange flavored Omega-3 fish oil capsules provide 30% fish oil with an optimal EPA and DHA ratio. Each serving (4 capsules) delivers at least 540mg of total PUFAs, including 324mg EPA and 216mg DHA. The easily digestible triglyceride form and low acid number ensure high safety and absorption.
Complete Formula for Optimal Growth:
We’ve enhanced this formula with fat-soluble Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) in oil form for superior absorption, boosted by the presence of fatty acids and Vitamin E. This synergistic blend offers multiple benefits:
- Supports Healthy Bone Growth: Improves calcium absorption, crucial for growing bones.
- Strengthens the Immune System: Omega-3s and Vitamin E bolster the body’s defenses, reducing the risk of viral infections and suppressing inflammation.
- May Reduce ADHD Symptoms: Omega-3s play a vital role in brain development, improving memory, concentration, and resilience to stress, enhancing learning abilities.
- Supports Cardiovascular Health & Endurance: Promotes healthy skin and reduces dryness and breakouts.
Kids Love the Taste!:
Enjoyable chewable capsules in delicious cherry and orange flavors. Simply chew or take with water.
90 Capsules | GMP Certified | ISO 22000 Certified
Keywords: Omega-3, kids, children, fish oil, vitamins, vitamin D, vitamin E, EPA, DHA, PUFAs, chewable capsules, cherry flavor, orange flavor, bone health, immune system, ADHD, concentration, memory, cardiovascular health, skin health, safe, bioavailable, triglyceride form, GMP, ISO 22000, child health supplements, healthy growth, brain development