Breathe Easy Kids: 10ml Essential Oil Blend for Cold & Flu Prevention
Breathe Easy Kids is a 10ml blend of natural essential oils offering antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and invigorating properties. This powerful formula combines the benefits of eucalyptus, peppermint, clove, cajuput, wintergreen, juniper berry oils, and levomenthol to create a natural air purifier. Breathe Easy Kids’ essential oil vapors combat viruses and bacteria in the air before they reach your child, reducing the risk of cold and flu infection and lessening the burden on their immune system. Ideal for use at home, school, in the car, or the office, Breathe Easy Kids provides ongoing, non-habit-forming preventative support throughout cold and flu season. Simply apply 2-5 drops to a tissue and place it near your child for effective, effortless inhalation. No special equipment is needed. Protect your child naturally with Breathe Easy Kids.