Title: Alpine Caramel Kids’ Lozenges with Honey & Vitamin C – Raspberry – 75g
Alpine Caramel raspberry lozenges, crafted with natural essential oils from Carmolys, offer a delicious and wholesome treat for children aged 3+. These lozenges combine the goodness of natural honey and Vitamin C with a unique blend of certified Carmol oil – a complex of essential oils from 10 medicinal herbs, using a time-tested recipe and traditional production methods. The active components in the essential oil complex help boost the body’s resistance to infections, offering soothing relief from cold symptoms, coughs, and sore throats through their antimicrobial, antiviral, and immune-boosting properties. Vitamin C further supports the immune system. The essential oils also promote phlegm expulsion, stimulate digestion, and gently harmonize the nervous system. Added menthol provides soothing relief for breathing and discomfort in the throat and upper respiratory tract. The natural raspberry flavor and honey make these lozenges both beneficial and delightful. Each lozenge is individually wrapped for convenient portability. Perfect for on-the-go relief and immune support for your little ones.