Title: Kidney Cleansing Herbal Blend – 2 Packs
Description: This powerful kidney cleansing herbal blend is recommended for inflammatory conditions of the kidneys and urinary tract. It acts as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and diuretic, promoting the elimination of salts and toxins from the body. Key indications include acute and chronic kidney and bladder diseases, as well as edema of renal and cardiac origin. The blend exhibits pronounced anti-inflammatory, uroseptic, diuretic, and analgesic effects, significantly enhancing and complementing medical treatment.
Discover our extensive collection of high-quality herbal products from “Bashkirian Herbs,” including a wide variety of syrups, herbal blends, loose leaf teas (black and green), and convenient tea bags. We also offer a new line of herbal tablets for added convenience. Choose the format that best suits your needs.
Our herbal teas and blends support preventative health and treatment across various systems, from the gastrointestinal and ENT systems to joint health. We also offer specialized Detox blends for weight management and overall body cleansing.
Created with love for nature and a commitment to your well-being, our herbal remedies make thoughtful gifts for loved ones and are ideal for those seeking natural, health-conscious choices. Experience the unique taste and aroma while boosting your immunity, enriching your body with vitamins, and energizing your day!