Title: Ke Lin Cough & Asthma Elixir – 5 Packs – Natural Herbal Remedy (Li West)
Ke Lin Elixir, a time-honored Chinese herbal remedy dating back to the Tang Dynasty, offers effective relief from coughs, asthma, and respiratory congestion. This natural formula, renowned in China for its efficacy, works as an expectorant and antitussive without suppressing the respiratory center. It gently thins and expels phlegm from the lungs and bronchi, reduces bronchial spasms, and possesses anti-inflammatory properties. Ke Lin also provides relief from sinus congestion and helps prevent asthma attacks. Made with high-quality, all-natural botanical ingredients, Ke Lin is safe and effective for even the youngest children. Experience the soothing, natural relief of Ke Lin Elixir – a trusted remedy for generations. This listing includes 5 convenient packs.